Welcome to the developer documentation for “Android App”. This document provides guidance on making changes to the app, such as updating the splash screen, package name, app logo, and customizing the drawer menu.
Getting Started
Before making any changes, ensure you have a copy of the latest source code for Fit Index. You can download the source code from the “codecanon”.
Splash Screen
The splash screen is the initial screen that appears when the app is launched. To change the splash screen:
- Navigate to res directory.
- Update the splash_screen.xml file in the res/layout directory if necessary
- Replace the splash_image.png file with your desired image.
Package Name
Changing the package name requires careful consideration and may have implications for existing installations and updates. If you decide to proceed.
- Refactor the package name for all the Java files in the project.
- Open the AndroidManifest.xml file.
- Change the package attribute in the <manifest> element to your desired package name.
- Change the application id in build.gradle module.
App Name
To change the app name follow the below steps:
- Open the res/values/strings.xml file.
- Replace the placeholder values for “app_name” with your app name.
Drawer Menu Customization
The drawer menu provides navigation options for users. Customize the menu items:
- Open the res/menu/nav_menu.xml file.
- Update the existing menu items or add new items as needed.
- Customize the behavior of each menu item in the file.
Admob Banner Ads
The drawer menu provides navigation options for users. Customize the menu items:
- Open the res/values/string file.
- Update the existing app_id and app_unit_it as needed.
Custom Video Ads( if available)
- Open the java/FullScreenPopup. class.
- Open the res/raw/custom_ads video to your desired video.
- Change your file name name.
Building & Running
Follow these steps:
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Connect a device or use an emulator.
- Click on the “Run” button in Android Studio to build and launch the app on the connected device or emulator.
Support and Contact
For any questions, issues, or additional support, please contact our development team at